Custom printed windsocks for all industries and applications. This category includes everything from heavy duty for commercial application to lightweight for sport and residential use

Non customizable windsocks. This category includes airport orange and orange/white windsocks for commercial application as well as American/International/ State flag windsocks, golf pin and other novelty windsocks

Stock and custom printed windsocks for all applications

Custom printed flags and stock flags for all applications

Windsocks and their Application in Agriculture

Windsocks and their Application in Agriculture

Whether you have a hobby farm, a larger U-pick, a winery with a vineyard or a more mainstream agricultural operation, understanding the conditions for growth and how external conditions can affect your crop is vital to your crops success. 

There is so much that can affect crop success. Farmers must think about pests, fungus, plant viruses and weather conditions. 

For viticulture, for example, wind temperature, direction, speed and other weather conditions such as hail, rains etc. can heavily affect the crop especially when the vine is flowering. 

Windsocks can Help Farmers - Here's 5 Ways How

Having a windsock on location can really help farmers understand a lot about how their crop is affected by the environmental conditions as well as the conditions on other neighboring properties.

They can get an understanding of:

1. The conditions during which to spray for pests

2. How construction or conditions in neighboring properties might affect their crop

3. Whether to protect the crop due to high winds during certain periods of the year (ex. during flowering)

4.Wind direction can alert you to look for potential drift from spraying on other farms 

5. In addition to this having a custom windsock on location can really help the image of the vineyard, the farm or the U-Pick, especially if you are attracting people to come and visit. It gives the farm a sense of pride in the property and crop they specialize in. 

Take it from Barbara and Miguel who purchased a windsock from us, featured in the picture above. This new Texas winery uses windsocks at their new vineyard and winery in the Hill Country to assist with wind direction and velocity.  

"We love the windsock as it tells us about conditions for viticulture during the growing season, and also about construction activities for potential drift.  It looks great in our brand colors. At 6 feet high, we can see it from across the vineyard high on the terrace, and our customers love to see it fly!”  Miguel Lecuona, Siboney Cellars.  

If you are every looking for a lovely day out in the Fredericksburg area, do check out Siboney Cellars and visit them at: You can see our windsock flying proudly as well as a few of our lighter weight windsocks closer to the ground to give them vital information about conditions that can affect their crop as well as showing off that beautiful branding and fostering pride in their vineyard. 

If you wish to show off the branding of your hobby farm or agricultural business, feel free to us for a quote or for customer service at 1-833-786-1035 or  and we will be sure to help you get your brand flying. 

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