Custom printed windsocks for all industries and applications. This category includes everything from heavy duty for commercial application to lightweight for sport and residential use

Non customizable windsocks. This category includes airport orange and orange/white windsocks for commercial application as well as American/International/ State flag windsocks, golf pin and other novelty windsocks

Stock and custom printed windsocks for all applications

Custom printed flags and stock flags for all applications

Custom Printed Full Color Heavy Duty Windsock for Farm and Vineyard Waterproof Fire retardant UV Resistant

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our website. This privacy policy will inform you how we use personal information collected on this website. Please read this policy before using the site or submitting any personal information. By using this site, you are accepting the practices described in the privacy policy. These can be changed at any time but changes will be posted and apply only to activities and information moving forward from the date posted. You are encouraged to review this policy to make sure you understand how your personal information is being treated.

Use of Information

We collect your name and contact details at the time you purchase an item or if you voluntarily sign up for our newsletter. With this information, we delivery your purchases to you, send you emails to update you on the status of orders, send you information by email regarding new products, updates and flag related information. We may use your information to confirm that no fraud is being committed. We may also use this information to show you adverts for products you may be interested in that The Custom Windsock Co. carries. We might also use this information to find out what you or other customers similar to you like.

Your payment information is used to take payment and give refunds. It is also used in fraud prevention or detection.

Your contact history with us is saved in some cases so that when you place an order with us in the future, we know your preferences and we can give you the best customer service.

Your purchase history with us is also saved so that we can efficiently keep records of sold products and provide customer support to users who may have issues in the future with our products. We also analyze this information to determine what customers like so we can improve our site and market accordingly.

We collect information on what device you browsed are site from. We use this to make sure that our site is optimized to all technology and platforms and that users get the best experience regardless of the device they use.

Sometimes we may use information from accounts you link to us to enable you to upload files or to easily log into our site without moving from your app or browsing window.

We also use information you submit via surveys, competitions or responses to promotions so that we can improve our overall site and service.

Much of the information we get and use is anonymized and is presented as aggregate analytical information. It does not identify individuals. We use it to understand how we are performing and how we can improve.

Sharing of your information

  • We will not and do not sell any of your personal data to any third party. We value and maintain your privacy and trust. We do share information with certain groups. These groups include, companies that help to get your goods to you such as payment service providers, internet service providers, warehouses, order packers, and delivery companies that help us run our business.
  • Professional service providers such as marketing agencies, advertising partners, customer service web host and website hosts who help us run our business
  • Credit reference agencies, law enforcement, fraud prevention agencies
  • companies approved by you such as social media sites
  • Our customer service team

Keeping your information

We hold information for as long as you maintain an account with us or as long as it is needed to provide services to you or provide support related reporting and trend analysis.

Your Rights

You have a lot of rights pertaining to your personal information

  • You have the right to be informed about how your personal information is being used (such as in this policy)
  • You have the right to access the information we have on file for you
  • You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate information
  • You have the right o request that we delete your data, or stop processing it or stop collecting it in some circumstances
  • The right to complain to your data protection regulator
  • If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us

Cookie/Tracking Technology

The Site may use cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. Cookie and tracking technology are useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the Site, and understanding how visitors use the Site. Cookies can also help customize the Site for visitors. Personal information cannot be collected via cookies and other tracking technology, however, if you previously provided personally identifiable information, cookies may be tied to such information. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties.

Privacy Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy you may contact us using the information below:

By Email:

By Phone: 1-833-989-0313

We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. Any changes to this policy will be posted.
