Custom printed windsocks for all industries and applications. This category includes everything from heavy duty for commercial application to lightweight for sport and residential use

Non customizable windsocks. This category includes airport orange and orange/white windsocks for commercial application as well as American/International/ State flag windsocks, golf pin and other novelty windsocks

Stock and custom printed windsocks for all applications

Custom printed flags and stock flags for all applications

Thinking Out of the Box when it comes to Socks

Having a windsock on location can really help farmers understand a lot about how their crop is affected by the environmental conditions as well as the conditions on other neighboring properties.

They can get an understanding of:...

  • 2 min read
Flags have been used in golf to indicate or mark a hole since before 1875! That’s a long time and the reason for this is simple. Flags on a golf course give a visual marker for where the hole is from a distance. This way golfers can use the flag to give them an idea of where to aim their shot and the approximate distance to the hole from where they stand. They can strategize on how to make their shot with the fewest strokes. What if you could use the flagstick marker to not just visualize the distance to the pin but also use it as a resource to determine windspeed and direction on the course so you can take more calculated shots and play your best with all the information at hand!
  • 4 min read

One of the main reasons that airports, helipads and airstrips have variegated windsocks is because the stripes tell a story. They tell you wind speed. Approximately how many knots or mph the wind is blowing.

  • 1 min read

If its your first time buying a windsock, it can be a bit confusing. We’ve broken down the questions you need to ask yourself so that you can make a sound decision on which is the best windsock for you. Once you have read this short article, you will know what sock and what size to get and you will be well on your way 😊
  • 3 min read
